Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update March 24, 2025
Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update March 24, 2025
Yada (TNT)
Folks, we are in the best of places for the rate change. The super ships are arriving at the port of Faw (S Korea), their salaries are to be paid Monday into Tuesday, the oil is flowing through the pipeline into Turkey, the border payments for tariffs and taxes, the banks of Iraq are equipped to exchange the currencies digitally, and…billionaires from around the world have started to do business with Iraq…All with the rate change to trigger the country.
Clare (KTFA)
Video: Iraq’s $17bn Trade Corridor to Bypass the Suez Canal – The Wall Street Journal has produced a video documenting Iraq’s proposed 740-mile trade route between Asia and Europe – the Development Road.
‘According to accurate astronomical calculations, Eid al-Fitr will be unified this year. When.’
‘For those whose Ramadan began on the first of March, they will monitor Crescent Next Saturday, corresponding to March 29, and the possibility of seeing it, so the month will be 29 days and the Eid will be on Sunday, corresponding to March 30,’
[via PDK]
‘Parliamentary electricity: The floating platform will receive gas from 3 countries in compensation of the Iranian sanctions’
They are working on removing all Iranian influence. Not only will they be able to receive gas, but they will also be able to start pumping gas out to become an exporter and not just an importer of natural gas…this is a big one. The US wants Iraq to be independent so they can move forward with their whiter paper reforms. Revaluation, stability etc…
‘Parliamentary defense confirms the first reading of the popular mobilization law next Monday’
This one has been a huge sticking point for the US to give the ‘GO’…We may have an answer on that as early as Monday. This is where they are absorbing militias into the military for safety.
German report:
‘Iraq is moving towards issuing a digital currency to eliminate US control over the central bank.’
‘Iraq has begun abandoning the US dollars…It will have the same value as traditional currencies but will trade electronically via digital wallets or approved financial applications…’
It’s really good for all this information to come out about digital currency and the power that it has because it’s going to be legally accepted. It’s going to be legally enforced as a monetary unit…Germany reporting on it is a big deal. They have some big banks over in Germany.
Frank26 (KTFA)
The oil, the b***d in the veins of the monetary reform of Iraq, these [railroad] tracks, these ports, these mega ships like this one coming in from South Korea, they are going to explode Iraq. Everything that is in position to coming in to Iraq is amazing. This is a country on steroids very soon. The problem is, they got the steroids, they bought them, they paid for them, they’re all set, they got them on the little table, got a glass of water right next to it, you want to inject them, got syringes, everything’s all ready to go…but you’re not going to have it until the doctor shows up in order to apply it. The same thing with this. Not until Al-Sudani decides, yeah I am ready. He’s in charge…Donald Trump is pushing, pushing, pushing for the oil to flow because once it starts to flow it exposes everything…
[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]
FIREFLY: TV has a big special right now about we are ditching the dollar with digital currency to put an end to the parallel market.
FRANK: That’s Fantastic. Fantastic.
Samson (KTFA)
‘Erbil and Washington agree on the need to resume Kurdistan oil exports as soon as possible.’
‘Sawiris: The Rose City project in Iraq will include the largest garden in the world.’
‘Egyptian businessman Naguib Sawiris described the Rose City project in Iraq as ‘something never seen before in the Arab region…’
Walkingstick (KTFA)
Trump is getting Iraq to repay America in the same way he’s getting every nation that has abused us to repay us back, from NATO countries to Iraq…Trump has always wanted a fair deal whether it be with him selling his buildings or him as a president with our American dollar. Iran and Iraq owe the United States of America a lot of money…I can see it in Trump’s actions, the monetary reform is the #1 thing for him right now. How else is America going to get repaid.
Sandy Ingram
CBI governor al-Alaq has emphasized Iraq’s financial and banking systems are undergoing fundamental transformations stating paper currencies will decline making way for digital payments issued by central banks. He confirmed the bank is actively working toward launching its own digital currency aligning with trends seen in other central banks worldwide…With transactions moving to a controlled digital space, it will become nearly impossible to maintain a secondary unofficial exchange market…Stay positive, we do not yet know what Iraq will do…
Mountain Goat
This new digital dinar is going to make a huge impact in freeing up these stashes of paper dinars back into the banking system…It was just announced by the CBI…that the digital dinar currency for Iraq is coming much sooner than we expected…It was never the short-term policy of the CBI to go to a digital currency but the mandate mostly from the IMF and the U.S. Treasury to clean up the dollars going to Iran forced it earlier…Remember that this was the main driving force to do the digital dinar much sooner than later.
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