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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update March 19, 2025

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update March 19, 2025



[via PDK]

Article: Here is a bank story…that’s not a bank story. My son is in Blue Ridge, GA hiking and fishing this weekend. They got a hotel because of the h******e weather coming through last weekend. While they were packing up to leave they got to talking with a couple. The man is a banker in Atlanta. My son said my dad follows the Iraqi dinar…do you think it will ever be worth something or is my dad crazy ..and to make a long story short…the banker said Your dad is not crazy. He is very smart and it is definitely a good investment. I didn’t think much about it until 5 months ago….but your dad is very smart.

There are many rumors that today is the day. I am looking for confirmations …but we were hearing the 17th and 18th were going to be huge on the bond side…and we should expect announcements on the currency side. …A number of people are physically sitting right now in 3 different locations. Most are in Europe. The expectations are high and I am waiting for an update or a report.

Comment: Hearing from Reno that there’s no place to park your jet…

MarkZ: …My contacts there say it is really exciting and yes…there was a lot of traffic but, they were not hearing of a release this afternoon.

Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: TV says within hours oil can flow [into Turkey]. Why you asking me

FRANK: I didn’t know it was already flowing or tested flowing or is about to flow in a few hours or can flow in a few hours. Dear God because if the oil flows, the exchange rate flows IMO.

FIREFLY: My opinion is all related to the mechanism in this Article 12-2c.  12-2c will give us the new value…They are saying within hours oil can start…The budget table are coming.  All is pointing to a Real Effective Exchange Rate IMO.

FRANK: I agree Article 12-c holds the key, which is the new exchange rate.

Iran stops the new exchange rate from coming out.  It’s so obvious.  It’s being protected, the exchange rate, from Iranian influence inside of Iraq’s parliament.  Trump is going to stop an Iran Shadow Fleet in order for security and stability to increase inside of Iraq.

The budget for Iraq for 2025, ’26, ’27…1310 is not going to do it.  It’s only logical.  You’ve already seen the budget.  You saw the whole breakdown.  Were they teasing the citizens of Iraq …Are they showing them something that is impossible to receive  Well it is at 1310, you agree don’t you  The whole world agrees, logic agrees, this budget is not for 1310…

Samson (KTFA)

Iraq confronts economic crises with the digital dinar…The parallel market is threatened with extinction”

The central Bank of Iraq is preparing to launch the digital dinar, marking the transition to digital currency management”

Rafidain Bank announces the collection of 6 trillion dinars electronically within one year.”

Clare (KTFA)

Iraq confronts economic crises with the digital dinar. The parallel market is threatened with extinction.”

The Central Bank of Iraq is preparing to launch the digital dinar…It is similar in value to the traditional dinar, but is traded electronically via digital wallets or approved financial applications. It facilitates instant money transfers within the country or across borders, reduces the logistical burden of issuing paper or metal currency, and enables broader segments of society to access digital financial services.”

Regarding the digital dinar’s relationship to exchange rates, Al-Sudani’s advisor explained that the official exchange rate will be the prevailing and sole rate, the digital exchange rate adopted by monetary policy. The parallel market will disappear in its current form, as it is difficult to invent a secondary digital market whose operations operate outside the control of the digital monetary authority…He pointed out that the digital dinar will be fully backed by the central bank and have a relatively stable value, similar to paper currency. However, it will be traded electronically only through bank accounts and wallets, contributing to reducing the use of paper money, achieving financial inclusion, and reducing reliance on the dollar in daily transactions.”

Iraq: Top 5 Arab economy in 2024″

Five Arab countries, including Iraq, accounted for 72% of the region’s GDP, which surpassed $3.6 trillion in 2024, according to a new report from the Arab Investment & Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (Dhaman”) released on Sunday.”

Fnu Lnu

Iraq’s delegation concluded its meetings with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Amman, with participants including Minister of Finance Taif Sami and the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI). Discussions focused on Iraq’s economic performance and sustainable growth prospects, with the IMF acknowledging the progress made. Key discussions included: Non-oil GDP growth of 5% in 2024…Reduced dependence on oil revenues, improving economic diversification and stability…Increased use of the Iraqi dinar in major transactions to strengthen the national currency. The IMF reaffirmed its support for Iraq’s financial policy development…The meetings underscored Iraq’s commitment to fiscal reforms, promoting economic stability and investment-friendly policies…

Today’s report bode well for the RV. All topics of discussion can be seen as fulfilling requirements set forth by the governing authorities.


…The pipeline is ready to transport any quantity specified by the Federal Ministry of Oil.”

The pipeline is ready.  They’re affirming it.  They’re talking about within hours.

The Iraq-Turkish pipeline was ready to transport oil from the Kirkuk fields more than a year ago…it’s proved 100% readiness…The North Company says it has the ability to resume exports within hours if it receives notification from Baghdad.

That really rings true to what we’ve been saying…It can happen any time.  Why haven’t they done it at 1310 the last year  Why wait 2 years Why are they talking about Article 12 2 section C  Because it’s directly related to, I believe, that valuation of oil.

Sandy Ingram

The Central Bank Governor concluded meetings with the IMF in Amman…to discuss economic progress and future growth.  The IMF recognized Iraq’s improvements highlighting a projected 5% non-oil GDP growth in 2024 driven by agriculture and public spending with 3.5% growth expected in 2025.  Discussions focused on reducing oil dependence, managing debt, modernizing banking to attract foreign investment and increasing the use of the Iraqi dinar.

Source : dinarchronicles

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