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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update March 7, 2025

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update March 7, 2025

Mountain Goat

…the budget schedules are not even expected to get sent to parliament for review until mid-March. Even when they do, I assure you we are not going to see the new RV rate. The rate is not in the budget and we are not waiting for these d****d schedules to come out for the RV.

Frank26 (KTFA)

Look at the 8 oil companies that do not want to start the flow of the oil. Ask yourself, why. IMO the answer is because the new exchange rate has not been revealed to them yet. Sudani protects it until he is ready…If and when the oil starts flowing, it should be with the same new exchange rate that is in the budget…This oil cannot flow at 1310. It’s literally impossible mathematically let alone financially…

‘How much time would they give to exchange the dinar.’

6 months to a year.  Or maybe forever, the same thing like the American dollar.  We still got a $1,000 note that’s legal tender.

If we can get Iran to start working with Sudani…You see, it’s not that Iran has to do things, Iran doesn’t have to do things that Trump wants them to do. Trump doesn’t need Iran. What it is, is Iran has to spot the things that they are doing. That’s what Trump wants of Iran…Security and stability is demanded of the monetary reform.

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

We had heard that the bond holders have received, but we haven’t confirmed it yet that they have received their emails…that gives them access or tells them when they get access to their accounts at the same time, we get emails giving us a toll free number to set our appointments…

Samson (KTFA)

‘Al-Ziyadi: Budget tables will reach Parliament next week’

‘Kurdistan oil and Iranian gas.. America puts Iraq in front of two options ‘either implementing orders or sanctions’‘


The Development Road project has global support and that is clear as day to me. What we see today, Iraq is ready for their revaluation of their currency. Why….  Inflation levels – low. Interest rates high globally, which is good, key. Economic performance of their GDP, which they’re going to grow, which is huge. Foreign investment and government policies in place for investors.  And overall market sentiment. A countries currency is revalued when its economic strength is perceived right.

They’re not going to be just using the dollar anymore, they’re going to be using dinar in the futureThat’s big. They’re not internationally accepted on the Forex around the world just yet.  Once they are they this [dinar] story is going to change.

Clare (KTFA)

‘Analysis detailing the reasons for the fluctuations in the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar over 21 years’

‘...supply and demand were the most influentialDecember was the month with the most frequent increase in the value of the dinar…followed by: August and June with increases in the value of the dinar against the dollar in 11 years, then April 10 times…The analysis concluded that the seasonal effect remains one of the main elements in determining the exchange rate trends in Iraq, as a recurring pattern appears at the end of the year and the beginning of the fiscal year…’

Sandy Ingram

How the Development Road Project will automatically help Iraq increase the value of its currency: When other countries need to buy Iraq’s international transport service hopefully they must pay for these services using the IQD. The more IQD they purchase the more the value of the currency goes up.  This is the economic point that Iraq is is headed for…The new rate more than likely will not be 1 to 1 but what if it gets to $0.25 to 1 USD.  Many of us [who hold 1,000,000 IQD] will be in line to receive $250,000.

Fnu Lnu

The Digital Currency will never replace the IQD and there is NO need to worry as they are two different animals for two entirely different uses…FinTec is happening whether people like it or not and it’s happening very fast.


[via PDK]

Question: Any bond or RV news today Mark.

MarkZ: There are many stories of people who have been processing throughout the week. They are being told they plan to have them all done by the 17th or 18th of March. So IMO we can go at anytime between now and then. I do have somebody who expects to keep their appointment to change their currency late this afternoon. I think they may be premature…it may be a banker who was optimistic and set the appointment. They have not yet canceled it. It would make my day if they got to exchange. Even if the bank jumped the gun.


‘Assuming this [Digital Dinar] happens, will we need to turn in our currency and allow it to be converted to digital. If so, where will it be held.

At some point, you may have to get a dinar denominated account through some market maker or ECN. Then of course, you could watch the dinar rise or sell it when you want to cash out. But all of that is yet to be determined. No need to get ahead of ourselves.


Right now with the dinar, do I still think it’s coming down the road.  Yes, as far as I know  right now.  But there is too much going on with Syria and that whole thing.  We don’t know where it’s going to go or is the United States going to attack I**S again. …Iran is being threatened by Israel and the United States. So there’s a lot going on.  There’s  no information to simply say one side or the other.  Having said that, has Iraq’s financial goals changed.  No.  Has what they said they want to do with the Iraqi dinar changed.  No, it has not.  It’s just how are they going to participate to be part of the  global markets the best way they can… 


What we’re doing is crossing our fingers and hoping Iraq changes the exchange rate while the three zeros are still on the currency.  If they remove those zeros those millions of dollars you thought you were going get, you’re not going to get.


Source : dinarchronicles

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