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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update February 21, 2025

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update February 21, 2025


[via PDK]

Question: What happened to the bond people that got paid. I thought bonds were supposed to kick everything off.

MarkZ: The bond folks who got money are the facilitators…not the bond holders. When the bond holders get their money …we are very close. On the positive side…things just lit up. A number of bond holders have told me they expect to get their payments late this week into early next week. This has come from many sources on 3 different continents. Since it came from so many sources I believe it’s safe to say that bond holders will soon have cash. It is my understanding the bond holders should get full payments.

They have to close out the old books so they can start the new books. Closing out the historic bonds closes out the old books. Bond facilitators told me they pay the commissions out first in fiat money …then the bonds themselves will be paid in asset backed…then you and I all go to the bank…With the vast number of bond contacts that have checked in… I imagine groups will start checking in at any moment. Hopefully this will help us narrow down the timing.

I know a couple people involved in the upper levels of groups that recently traveled to be in place. They say they are working hard but won’t say on what…We continue to hear this is an absolute priority for Trump. We hope that is accurate and we are off the ‘stuck’ spot.

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

We had a 99.9% chance of being notified…Tuesday, and we didn’t get it…Could Wednesday, Thursday be our blockbuster days, I think so…I could tell you this much, the redemption center leader we talk to occasionally – when we’re able, was expecting an email…and he got the email, and it said, ‘pending ‘ – ‘Be prepared to go in at a moment’s notice’, that was into redemption Center as a leader… I’m excited. And you know what. Maybe we get notified and we start exchange Thursday.

Frank26 (KTFA)

‘New US sanctions shake Iraqi banking sector, ban use of payment cards abroad’

Lies! …Be careful what you read.

‘Al-Nusairi: No sanctions on Iraqi banks, and false reports cause panic’

SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT ON THE MONETARY REFORM OF IRAQ…You know very well that we’re very close and you know very well when you’re very close they’re going to try to [hide, distract, over the truth]…It’s not a coincidence that their government and our government is a mirror image.  It’s not a coincidence…

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: Mr Sammy says the United States of America Federal Reserve and the Treasury praised Iraq…Sudani…banks…CBI, on our cash distribution system that we have in place now. They say it’s the fastest in the world. Why would we need something so fast and advanced for 1310.

FRANK: It was the US Treasury that established the cash distribution center…I believe we’re going to see the new exchange rate soon…This system…is in order to facilitate the distribution of the lower notes that are soon to be coming out.  This monetary reform is well organized…

Trump and Sudani, that combination IMO is unstoppable for your monetary reform. I dare them to try to stop this now because Trump is there now.  Why do I say such a thing Because both sides have a currency that needs help form each other…This mutual symbiotic relationship is going to be so powerful in the banking industry.  Both the American dollar and the Iraqi dinar are about to rule…

Samson (KTFA)

‘Justice publishes personal status laws, general amnesty and return of properties to their owners in the Official Gazette’

‘Official denial and popular fears: The spread of the ‘counterfeit’ Iraqi dinar causes panic among citizens and traders’


Hi guys. Certain platforms were (allegedly) paid today. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) should be soon.

Clare (KTFA)

‘Sistani’s office expects the beginning and end of Ramadan without completing the waiting period’

‘The office expected that the month of Ramadan would begin on Sunday, the second of March, and end on the 30th of the same month.’

Fnu Lnu

One member of the Singapore Investment Group has been in San Francisco since Sunday. I finally got an opportunity to speak with her for an extended amount of time. She filled me in on some of the details…The Iraqis have proven to be less than attentive students. Learning is going slowly with some of the principles being resistant to the global methods and technical operations. She is getting these reports directly from one of the consulting group members, but would not say which one. Could be Wyman or K2…This may take a little time… Realize, an entire generation has passed so the youth have never known efficiency or the sense of urgency nor have they ever had purchasing power for the worthless currency. It is a sad situation to say the least. Meanwhile, we wait.


Kuwait RV March 24 1991, Ramadan that year was March 17-April 15, 1991 Therefore theyRV smack in the middle of Ramadan…


The oil to flow into Turkey hasn’t been done yet…And the salaries to the citizens haven’t been paid…All of these things need valueWhat rate are you going to be able to pay those salaries at. What value are you going to apply to the exchange rate with oil crossing international borders.


Source : dinarchronicles

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