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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update February 16, 2025

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update February 16, 2025

Mountain Goat


Remember this is the use of CASH dollar. They will still have electronic transfer from the Feds of dollars to Iraq. But this is a move that I believe is in agreement with the CBI to finally shut down the parallel market for good. This comes on the heals of the issue with Rafidian bank’s continue smuggling of the cash dollars to Iran. This is an amazing article. A ‘WOW!’ article…The US is finally doing it. They should have cut off the dollars off years ago. We would be much farther ahead now in the RV process. But now it is being done. A good sign for us investors. How will this impact the Iraqi economy. Seems to me the US wants the dinar to rise in value and this may be leading us to something VERY IMPORTANT.

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

Let’s…see where we stand… we’ve heard from different sources about four or five different sources that came in with very similar information and the overall consensus is that…it’s ready to be started or ready for us to receive notifications…the next piece of intel that we received from a US, Space Force contact that said that we would be exchanging…according to this source, no later than Saturday…the 15th of the month.

Frank26 (KTFA)

What do we need in order to have a new exchange rate for the currency of Iraq.  …Security and stability…

‘Your friend has [an Iraqi] bank in Dearborn Michigan would you exchange your currency at that bank.’

No, no, no. I’m an American.  I’m a patriot.  I’d rather exchange at an American Bank, even thought I’m not too happy with them, because I want the dinars to go to our federal reserves to help our country.  If I go to Aki’s bank the dinars will go back to the CBI…The CBI doesn’t mind we are helping our country…

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: Mr Sammy says, for what it is worth, now at this point, it will come out $3.50 to $3.80 and probably be a managed float. Meaning  10% growth daily.  Thinking out loud…it won’t go much over four bucks…before settling back just ahead of Kuwait dinar…I could be 100% wrong but I have a gut feeling.

FRANK: I think the reason why you have a gut feeling is because you have been allowed to attend some of the meetings that you cannot talk about…Concerning the new exchange rate…it can be anything from $0.50 to a  $1.00 or just over a dollar. But I will admit, your…opinion that it may come out at three and above is logical because this is a  reinstatement…and it should start where it left off at $3.22.    



[via PDK]

I find things are pretty interesting on who is where…. Right now we are being told Sudani is in Prague, one of his top deputies is at the US in New York…Pres. Trump is now sitting down with India’s Modi …so let’s think BRICS…let’s think World court…. Let’s think UN for monetary values change…. We are talking World court, UN, and pretty much everybody is where they should be to make something move. I enjoy watching geopolitical moves right now.

Question: Mark, do you think it’s possible the dinar will be on forex Monday Feb 17th-Presidents day.

MarkZ: I think it’s highly possible. I have multiple confirmations of bond commissions being paid in the last 24 hours on historic bonds… I am very excited but do not know what it means for our timing…yet. But this is money going to people I
know. People I know have money… I am very excited… a number of contacts now have spendable dollars…this has never happened before. This is brand new and gives me great hope.

Question: So once bonds are paid it’s our turn.

MarkZ: Yes then it’s our turn.


We all know there’s a component of that tripartite budget that hasn’t been exposed which is I believe the exchange rate of their new real effective exchange rate…

Samson (KTFA)

‘Parliamentary Finance Committee expects to send budget tables next week’

‘IMF: Iraq is financially stable and does not need aid…The Director of the Middle East and Central Asia at the International Monetary Fund’  

Fnu Lnu

People who will get paid before the official FOREX listing are contract holders who contracted to sell to private buyers. These contracts are pre-2011 October. This is because of the ‘Law Of One Price’.  It is i*****l to sell the same financial instrument for different prices in different markets. There are a few other groups that were sanctioned by the UST but they are very few. They will get higher returns on investment than the regular guy off the street. It is a myth that you will be offered a ‘Contract Rate’ at a ‘Redemption Center’. Neither exist in the real world…ALL sanctioned groups are under strict NDA’s. There will be no telegraphing of pre-payouts and no one will be ‘Screaming Like A Stuck Pig’ lest they want their payments clawed back. (Lose their money)


‘Iraq on the list of countries most attractive to investments’ 


Source : dinarchronicles

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