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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update February 12, 2025

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update February 12, 2025



[via PDK]

In Iraq: ‘Parliamentary Finance: No new appointments in the 2025 budget’

Sudani has pledged that they will not take on any new appointments or projects until they settle Article 12 and finish this thing. They need Erbil and HCL to be finished. This is the absolute ‘Top Priority’.

‘Parliamentary Finance: Reveals mountains of information received from the government: Budget tables will arrive’

They are saying they will get their budget tables this week…they are moving forward quickly.

Sandy Ingram

Iran continues enriching uranium at high levels…Things are so bad between Iran and the sitting president that he left detailed instructions on how to obliterate Iran if the country is successful in eliminating him.

‘Trump says he’s given advisers instructions for Iran to be ‘obliterated’ if it assassinates him’

He let Iran know about his special executive instructions…Iran, Iraq’s closest neighbor and trading partner, has continued to place Iraq in the middle between itself and the US.  You understand more than most Americans as IQD investors.  Let’s hope Iraq can improve its economic status and be in a position to allow the currency to float to a higher value.

Samson (KTFA)


‘The dollar stabilizes in the parallel market.. Is the price madness over.’

‘The US dollar exchange rate is witnessing remarkable stability in the parallel market in Iraq’

Clare (KTFA)

‘Al-Sudani’s advisor rebukes citizens for storing money at home and calls for investing it’

‘Al-Daraji, the technical advisor to the Prime Minister…there is a large cash mass held by citizens outside the banking system, which makes it economically useless if it remains stored in homes, calling for ‘transferring this money to investment projects that contribute to transforming it into assets that support the national economy and enhance sustainable development.

‘In light of the liquidity crisis… Why doesn’t Iraq resort to printing more currency.’

Iraq is facing increasing challenges due to the scarcity of cash liquidity, which negatively affects the markets and daily financial transactions…The Iraqi government…suffers from a chronic shortage of this currency, which affects its ability to meet its financial obligations to pay employee salaries, repay debts, and finance projects…’

Frank26 (KTFA)

Why would you put all this money… advertisement …effort…education for a program rate of 1310 There’s no reason to protect something of no value.  But there is a great reason to protect what they are about to give you [Iraqi citizens], purchasing power!  …You know very what’s happening.

Right now you’re not in position to exchange.  The day that you’re ready to exchange, oh my goodness gracious, take everything.  Take the kitchen sink with you [to the bank]…

Fnu Lnu

[Response to Newshound Guru Militia Man 2-10-2025 Gold post below]

[Guru] Militia Man made a comment… Iraq ‘bought’ approximately 10 tons of gold. That they scrounged up some pocket change. He isn’t the first person to remark about Iraq having so much money to buy an amazing amount of gold. I know a little inside baseball about
that. When Iraq was attacked under the excuse of ‘weapons of mass destruction’…The real reason Iraq was attacked was because S****m had amassed a huge amount of gold over the years. The reason. He hated the London City Central Banksters and their Central Banks so he was going to mint a Golden Dinar. It would have been the premier money of the world. Real Money!

It would have severely harmed the Central Bank so the CB had Bush attack them to 1) K**l S****m and 2) recover/steal his gold stash…It didn’t work out. They couldn’t find the stash. So…they attacked them again and the second time, they found one of the small caches which was rumored to be around 20 tons…There was, however, a huge amount of gold left that wasn’t found. Slowly, over time, Iraq has been repatriating the gold into the National Reserves. They aren’t buying this gold, they already owned it and are slowly reinserting it into the Treasury. There is no way to know how much they really have but it must be a huge amount. Watch…over time, they will continue to grow the gold reserves but try to find the receipts.


Iraq is going international. They’re going to be going digital so they’re going to be using artificial intelligence.  They’re even going to be teaching their kids about artificial intelligence…We’re going to have to embrace it whether we like it or not.


Source : dinarchronicles

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