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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update January 19, 2025

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update January 19, 2025



[via PDK]

Here is the one I am excited about: “Instead of granting it exclusively to foreign banks-proposal to put the dollar on “Tadowul platforms

This should give you all warm and fuzzies…how foreign remittances work in banks etc…this is what they are going to do. They are converting dollars to be sold on trading platforms and the stock market and switching to the forex market! In order to take the next steps for them it needs to be traded on platforms just like the US dollar, British Pound and other currencies are. That would mean they are on the fully international forex and most likely a much bigger value on the dinar. This is my favorite article of the morning.

“Parliamentary finance reveals the objectives of revealing the federal budget”

This happened today. I am told they expect the vote or third reading on this tomorrow. I am very optimistic on what is happening in Iraq this weekend and would not surprise me if they raise that value soon.

Mountain Goat

Article quote:
“possibility of transferring the dollar to trading platforms in the stock market, to be sold to those entitled to it through direct transactions instead of sending the dollar exclusively to banks”, stressing the need to organize these operations by switching to the “Forex” market,

… WOW! WOW! WOW!  Did they just suggest using the trading platforms in the stock market i.e FOREX…. You gotta luv it… Music to my ears….

Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: Keep hearing the Forex and it’s also coming from the CBI too. They’re explaining how much more can be done on Forex. They are preparing to leave the border. Forex would be international and like you want, the float.

FRANK: We still don’t know.

The closing of the auctions, the closing of the electronic platform auctions enhances financial stability...It’s very obvious they’re moving towards releasing a new exchange rate.  It’s that simple…


First, it was just one day, then it was three days and then today’s article says the Prime Minister spent four days in Britain. It started with meeting of the King of the country and ending with a meeting with the Iraqi communityWhy did they tell you he was going to be there one day then changed it to three days and then ultimately he stayed for four?

Clare (KTFA)

“Iraq is off the red list for risk assessment”

“…The investment status in Iraq had been raised from the red list to the orange list during the Prime Minister’s visit to London.”

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

One of the major banks, that’s kind of international bank that is over international redemption centers, is indicating that…we Could be notified…prior to Monday…Now, if it doesn’t happen and we see it on this on the 21st which is Tuesday, then so be it.


There is no in county/out of country.  Whenever Iraq makes a change on the currency exchange rate in country it’s going to affect everywhere around the world in regards to Iraqi dinar.  There’s not going to be some special group that you go to, Tier one, tier two, there’s no Reno visit.  That’s all bull s**t.  There is no redemption centers.  When the time comes we just take our dinar to the bank, we make the exchange.  Nobody’s going to get a special rate…


Mudher Muhammad Saleh, former deputy governor of the Central Bank of Iraq stated years ago, Iraq has about 16 trillion dollars worth of minerals in the ground including oil…There is no way they could significantly RV the dinar with the amount of currency in circulation  (currently about 100 trillion dinar).  Only a gradual reduction of the currency as a result of the economic growth in diversification would make any sense. Not to mention, the world would not accept any arbitrary or random value.


How long IYO will we have to exchange our 3-zero notes before they are rendered non-negotiable?

Jeff: …When they phased out the old S****m Swiss notes and put the new notes into circulation everybody had 90 days to turn in their old S****m notes and get the new ones. They used to have a 50 note up until 2012. They phased out 50 note and replaced it with the 50,000 note. When everybody had to turn in their old 50 note they had 90 days as well. My opinion is that we’re all going to have 90 days to turn in our notes because that’s how long they had historically from two different scenarios to turn them in.

Samson (KTFA)

“Sharjah celebrates the launch of the first Iraqi Airways flights”

“Sharjah International Airport in the United Arab Emirates celebrated the launch of the first Iraqi Airways flights”


Source : dinarchronicles

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