Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update January 16, 2025
[via PDK]
‘Coordination Framework: Soon we will vote on amending the budget law’
We already had the first 2 readings. This will solve the oil dispute between Baghdad and Erbil. We have seen major progress in the last couple of days. …With the budget is a rate potential.
Question: [Someone] said dinar is showing at $4.19 on forex…Is this true.
MarkZ: For moments it popped to that and boy did I have a lot of excited folks. It wasn’t there this morning so I believe they are testing. There are many who think that may be the international or ‘Street Rate’.
Mountain Goat
…we can see that Al-Sudani is taking on this non-oil revenue sector seriously and will exploit it to overcome the rentier economy (oil based economy) of Iraq. Now you add this to the other non-oil sources of revenues and you have a booming economy for Iraq. WOW! WOW! WOW!…They will soon be filthy rich with little to no debt. They are backing their currency with GOLD too. Oh…their dinar is at what price. A 1/6 of a penny. Really.
Frank26 (KTFA)
‘House of Representative completes the second reading of the draft amendment to the budget law.’
Is that the second reading to the budget. It’s actually the 2nd reading to a draft of the amendment of the budget…They didn’t read the whole budget. They only read the part they amended, [read] for the second time…That law IMO is all that’s needed. You don’t have to read it, 15 days later it become law.
Question: ‘Is this one still legal. The 50K [note].’
Frank26: The 50 dinar note is not legal. Everything else is okie dokie. The 50,000 note is extremely legal. There’s even a 100,000 note that will be legal but that will only be used by the Central Bank of Iraq and the GOI.
Security, Stability, those are the two words that is the formula in order for us to have a new exchange rate. The CBI floor must be so clean you could eat off of it. The politicians must not have the ability to steal from the auctions anymore…Do they have that ability. No. Are the auctions there. No, all gone…Everything looks good. So what do we need. …The exchange rate. Where’s the exchange rate. In the budget.
One of the last things they do…before they go international, is to have their banks restructured or really close to being completed. That’s their focus…That’s part of the process and we’re seeing that…It surely looks really powerful.
A lot of people [skeptically/sarcastically] say, well Sudani said the dinar is going to be stronger than the dollar. That’s probably going to be true 100%…He warned the citizens…He didn’t give a time frame he just said it’s going to be [stronger than the dollar]...
Clare (KTFA)
‘Parliament postpones its session due to political blocs boycotting the sessions’
‘The House of Representatives failed, on Wednesday, once again to hold its regular session due to the boycott of most political blocs of the sessions’
‘Saleh: Iraq ranks first in the world in the concentration of natural resources’
‘The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, confirmed…that the country’s future will depend on transforming natural resources into productive capital assets, while he indicated that the natural resources renaissance project will come in parallel with the development path strategy’
The government and parliament finished everything they needed to towards revaluing the currency bank as of September 28th. That was their last productive real session of parliament. That’s why to you as the investor, Iraq’s not getting anything done. They’re not doing anything because they already finished everything. What they’re doing is, Iraq has a scheduled rate change date. They are working around that date waiting for it to come forward…
Nader From The Mid East
I tell you about three things. Trade, private sector, which it’s now very very good…You’re going to see a lot of thing about the private sector how good it become and how good they invest into it and the third thing it’s Forex. These three things you have to watch…
Samson (KTFA)
Article 1:
‘Britain: Trade volume with Iraq will increase tenfold’
Article 2:
‘Al-Sudani announces that he will sign a strategic security agreement with Britain’